MyRxGutHealth: Personalized Gut Microbiome Dietary Supplements

Sale price Price $54.00 Regular price Unit price  per 

  • 30-day supply
  • Personalized, targeted support for maximal benefits
  • Adjustable formula based on your needs


Enjoy the benefits of personalized supplements based on your gut microbiome's needs for optimal health! Based on the results of your gut microbiome test, you'll get a 30-day supply of targeted formulations that contain all the essential nutrients that work to rebalance your gut microbes.

When you place your order, we'll connect it to your most recent test results to ensure you get the correct personalized formula. For best results, follow the daily dosing instructions on the label and pair with the dietary recommendations in your MyRxGut report. We recommend re-testing every three months to reassess your microbiome needs as they evolve.